Friday, November 28, 2008

I stand corrected!

My three loyal readers! I was feeling a bit fiesty yesterday morning!

Thanksgiving dinner with the fam was wonderful, as always! Too much food! I told everyone I was not making my asparagus or the beer bread ever again because no one ever eats either of them! There was no beer bread left and people were looking for more. There were three asparagus spears left! I hate it when food goes to waste!

Everybody noshing. Not a whole lotta talking going on. Stuffing our faces! Jan, after cleaning her plate, told everyone that nothing was good and she only ate it all so's no one felt bad. Yeah, right Jan. We got your number, girlfriend!

Just us girls. Mom, Sue, Kathy and Janice. In order of birth! I'm the oldest, then Kath and Jan.

The girls and their kids (or in my case, favorite oldest nephew, favorite youngest nephew and favoite Princess niece!) Mom, Sue, Kathy, Jan, Joy and Jake in front and Kyle in the back...because he's 18 feet tall!
Unka Him (Uncle Jim. Joy had problems saying her "J's" when she was a kid, and I though Unka Him was such a cute name, I still call him that!) and Joy playing dress-up. He's got two girls of his own, so he's quite adept at playing dress up. And is such a great sport about it!

Jan as "Punkin Head!"

1 comment:

iamjaytee said...

I have a comment but I dont know who reads this blog...Off to the board.